The Sands

The Sands

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Semester's End

Well shucks it's been awhile...I've never been to good at keepin a journal (let alone an online one) but anywho guess I can try and get all caught up.

So to do an update of my last post the Fall Sing was amazing!!! In fact it was so good I went twice, well and i went again because our friends from fredonia (namel toni, logan and diedra) came to visit. So we went bowling and watched the fall sing and had a fire while they were here, it was soooo good to see them and hopefully they had as much fun as I did while they were down here.
Then somewhere in this midst there was halloween, Jo was a hilbilly and I was an 80's girl, we went to goodman's party which was kinda gay but it was all still way fun...

Ok so about a week after that I think...I can't remember dates right now... I went up to Fredonia for Shelby and Chet's wedding. For Shelb's bachelorette party we went mattress surfing which was freakin epic :)

 I helped set up for the wedding and the reception there in Fredonia, then also went to Mesquite for the open house. Then that night we had dinner at the casino and went bowling and I bowled a 146 (my record!!!!)

 then the rest of the night was spent at the casino where my friends did some gambling...I eventually went back to the hotel and crashed out haha only to be awakened 3 hours later by a freaky old man (logan in a freaky old man mask). haha it was a great night, especially cuz I met some cool new people, and got to spend some time with my already good friends!

Hmmmm....lets see then a week after that I went back up to Fredonia again with Jo and got to go watch my little brother's rodeo and helped look for a missin pair (cow and calf) out on our ranch at the sands. Then a couple weeks later (just this last week) I got to go back up to Fredonia yet another time :) for thanksgiving!!! Over thanksgiving break I got to start my mare (put a first ride on her even :D) got to hang out with my friends at a fire, had some good time with my family, got to see my nephew...Got to watch (sadly not participate) in the annual basketball tourney in Fredonia and got to see Roland there.. went to a movie with my sis (which honestly I wouldn't reccomend the fourth twilight movie to anybody) and had prolly one of the funnest nights I've had in awhile with Jo, Lyndsey, Cole, and Gerk :)

With all that behind me, now I'm just back to the grindin and school..but only for a couple more weeks till school is out for christmas break!!! Sooooo excited!! Over christmas break I'll be stayin down here in Thatcher workin, and will hopefully get to go home Christmas day and stay for about a week, so to all my friends up there...hit me up and we all can go sledding or somethin!!! (if there's snow) Welp I better git back to my homework :/

ttfn :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

Well gotta say I still ain't used to this bloggin thing but it can be kinda fun...a good release anyways...
So last night was pretty much epic!! Me and my roommates and Sara carved pumpkins :) if ya wanna know more bout that or see our finished products, though, you'll have to go check out Jo's blog!!
Then there's today, just another day pretty much - went to school, roped the dummy, went to seminar hahahahaha which was bomb because Jo brought her nephew Calvin who just laughed through a lot of the whole program so EVERYONE was staring at Jo while we were all just laughin...oh it was great!! Hmmm let's see what else...that's basically been the excitement of my day because other than that I took a nap and worked on home work..

Oh wait I almost forgot we're havin dinner in a pumpkin tonight then going to the EAC Fall Sing!!! :) Good luck to everybody in that by the way...namely Elise and Preston, cuz they're like the only people I know of that are in it that I know so far..

hmmmm what else.... nah i think that'll be it for tonight folks

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Best Place to Start...

Is the beginning I suppose. So I still don't quite understand the whole blog thing but some of my family and friends have them so i figured I'd make one and give it a whirl...
So what to say what to say....hmmmm well let's see...It's October 2011 and I'm sittin on my couch at Howard's Place (the apartments I live at) writin in my "online journal" when I probably should be workin on some math and english homework. But who just does homework right?
Aight so what else...I'm currently goin to EAC into Sports Medicine and I'm really excited about it because as much as I change my mind I think I'm really gonna enjoy this program. I live, like I said earlier, at Howards with 3 awesome roommates!! I'm really lovin this place most days but I gotta admit I really really miss my family and horses and quite honestly the cold!! I miss snow and rain, sure the sun is nice and I shouldn't be complaining but it's fall for heaven sakes shouldn't it be more fall weather? haha guess that what I get for livin in AZ though. Oh I recently started a job at H&S Feed :) and I plan on tryin out for the EA volleyball team in January (everybody wish me luck perty please)...
what else is new...hmmm well good news is I have several friends that are getting married in the near future (congrats to Shelby & Chet and Nate and Steph) and bad news....I don't have any :) so as you can see pretty much all is well in my life story so I guess I'll sign off for now :)