The Sands

The Sands

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

Well gotta say I still ain't used to this bloggin thing but it can be kinda fun...a good release anyways...
So last night was pretty much epic!! Me and my roommates and Sara carved pumpkins :) if ya wanna know more bout that or see our finished products, though, you'll have to go check out Jo's blog!!
Then there's today, just another day pretty much - went to school, roped the dummy, went to seminar hahahahaha which was bomb because Jo brought her nephew Calvin who just laughed through a lot of the whole program so EVERYONE was staring at Jo while we were all just laughin...oh it was great!! Hmmm let's see what else...that's basically been the excitement of my day because other than that I took a nap and worked on home work..

Oh wait I almost forgot we're havin dinner in a pumpkin tonight then going to the EAC Fall Sing!!! :) Good luck to everybody in that by the way...namely Elise and Preston, cuz they're like the only people I know of that are in it that I know so far..

hmmmm what else.... nah i think that'll be it for tonight folks

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